Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Sacred Space of Mary's Womb: The Holy Cradle for Eternal Word " Logos"

We recall Mother Mary with deep love and devotion because of two reasons.
1) Heaven certified that she is full of grace 
2) the most magnificent gift of Jesus Christ that the earth ever received was through the mediation of Mary.

The most beautiful tribute ever Mother Mary received was from another lady. While Jesus was saying this, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nursed you!” Recalling his own beloved mother Mary and all others who receive the word of God into their heart and soul, Jesus said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it!” (Luke 11: 27 – 28)

We do recall the age old salute of angel Gabriel and venerate Mother Mary and adore her son saying “Blessed is the fruit of your womb.” When Jesus said his listeners that Good tree bears good fruit, he might have recalled his beloved mother Mary who gave him the most sacred space of her womb. Mother Mary is the field of holiness though whom the holy redeemer Jesus Christ was born. The Abba Father made her a temple of purity and love to prepare a space for his only begotten son to be born.

The womb of Mother Mary and the hands of every priest have the same mission. That is, gifting Jesus Christ to the world. So, it is befitting that we hold on to the motherly arms of Mary. Because, she knows better how to prepare a space of sanctity for the eternal word in the heart and soul.

Preparing a space for Christ is not an easy task. It demands a lot of prices from our part. The cost of discipleship or the price that we need to pay for our choice. Since I am not committed enough to bear Christ, the holy redeemer in the heart and soul, I remain fruitless in the discipleship. As I am not disciplined enough to prepare a sacred space for Christ, the word is not being made flesh in me.

Mother Mary has been knocking at the heart and soul of our lives in search of a sacred space for her beloved son to be born. Unfortunately, the age old from the inn keepers is still being repeated: There is no place for the child to be born. Let us reflect: Have our lives become a holy field for the eternal word to be born again? Has our short span of existence become another womb for Jesus Christ?

One of the deepest worries of the author of revelation was that he could not find anybody worthy to open the scroll and look into it. Rev. 5: 4 – “And I began to weep bitterly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll and look into it.”  Holding on to the motherly arms of Mary, let us be holy and worthy of opening the scroll and looking into it. Let us create a sacred space in our body, mind and soul for Jesus Christ to be born again and again through our lives. May Mother Mary intercede for us. Amen.

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