Saturday, August 27, 2016

Face of Mercy : A Splendid Model for a Meaningful Christian Existence !

Face of Mercy : A Splendid Model for a Meaningful Christian Existence !

From the very beginning of his papacy, Pope Francis has been emphatically conveying one and only one message without any compromise. His message has become very clear over the years: The face of God is Mercy and the name of God is Mercy. Even one of his famous books is entitled: “The Name of God is Mercy”

It is all the more interesting to observe that the message of Pope Francis has become an impetus and a catalyst to renew the spirit of the church of Jesus and to transform the world around us. By this time, Pope has succeeded in setting a tone of mercy and compassion in the sits-in-leben of the Catholic Church.

As a result, the year of Mercy was inaugurated on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8), 2015, and would long till the Feast of Christ the King (November 20), 2016. And, we are living out the true spirit of the year of mercy…

It is really befitting that “the angel of Mercy, Mother Theresa, an albenian nun who transformed the streets of Culcutta with her unbounded mercy and love, is going to be canonized on the coming September 4th, a day before her 19th death anniversary.

Let us not forget that “the measure of divinity in humanity is always measured by the acts of charity” and hence let us try to creatively and positively respond to the needs of the suffering people around us. 

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1 comment:

  1. the measure of divinity in humanity is always measured by the acts of charity.....
